About Us

IPTG is a consolidation of a number of professional education and training institutions, wholly owned by the same founder and chairman, including:

  • The Chinese Institute of Certified Financial Planners (HK Branch) Limited  (CICFP (HK))
  • The Chinese Institute of Registered Financial Analysts Limited  (CIRFA)
  • Institute of Global Managers (IGM)

Thanks to the excellent accomplishment that IPTG has brought forward from the past years, the number of CICFP members in Hong Kong hit past its all-time high record of 5,000. IPTG is now delivering trainings to more than 50 programmes and launching hundreds of different courses at all levels.


Number of graduates has already reached the annual tally of over 1,000 and keeps rising steadily.  IPTG has been generating tens of million dollars as annual income and stockholders are very satisfied to see the resulting profits the corporation has racked in.  


A recent milestone that is worth mentioning is, in 2021 IPTG successfully acquired the listing status in the OTC market in the United States (OTC Code: INGP).  This renders IPTG a corporation capable of amassing public funds through placements in the OTC market. With unlimited development potential in its vibrant business, IPTG attentively focuses on and promote professional, vocational and ontinuing education training in Hong Kong, Macau and other cities in Greater Bay Area of China.


IPTG is committed to build itself as a giant education powerhouse to deliver credentials and offer certification to learners in the Greater Bay Area.




Competitive Advantages


Missions and Objectives

Becoming the key applied learning and needed career oriented training and education provider in the GBA


Develop various user - friendly
online education platforms
Develop an innovative pathway for
career - oriented training and advancement
Develop specific applied learning
courses to meet market needs


Press Releases


IPTG About Us


  • Milestones and Key Events


    • IPTG acquired the status of Approved Training Centre granted by OTHM in May 2021. OTHM is a UK – based awarding organization regulated by OFQUAL (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulations).

    In cooperation: Universities & Institutions in Collaboration (Asia):

    • Lingnan Institute of Further Education
    • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of High Education
    • Gratia Christian College 

    In cooperation: Universities & Institutions in Collaboration (US & Europe):

    • London Metropolitan University
    • Canterbury Christ Church University
    • European University Business School
    • University of Sunderland
    • Swiss Education Group


    • IPTG acquired the status of Approved Training Centre granted by NCFE in April 2021.


    • International Certified Financial Planner Training Programme, accredited by Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA) in Dec 2018. FAA is an independent quality assurance and accreditation body supported by Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia) and the Securities Commission Malaysia. FAA provides the highest quality in standards, and to maintain a global outlook with learning programmes that translate across borders.


    2013 - 2018

    • Launching courses leading to the qualification of CICFP Certified Financial Planners to financial practitioners through Hong Kong Fok Ying Tung Graduate School of University of Science and Technology (HKUST), The General Agents and Managers Association of Hong Kong (GAMAHK), and other professional organizations.

    2017 - 2018

    • Continuing Professional Development Programmes were approved by HKCAAVQ.
    • Trust Planning Practice Workshop
    • Estate Planning Practice Workshop
    • Property Market Regulation Practice Workshop



    • In Apr 2016, the course “Certificate in Essential Financial Planning” was successfully approved as Level 3 programme by Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ), the only independent statutory body in Hong Kong that provides authoritative advice on academic standards of programmes.
    • Graduation ceremonies for Financial Planners at HKUST Campus



    • Accreditation by Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC)
    • Articulation of IGM diplomas to degree programmes offered by various Universities


    • In collaboration with European University to offer the following advanced degree programmes to insurance companies in Hong Kong:
    • Master of Business Administration

    • Doctor of Business Administration


    • Institute of Global Managers (IGM) was established in Sep 2004
  • Our Team

    Management Team

    • Chairperson of the Chinese Institute of Registered Financial Analysts
    • President of Institute of Global Managers
    • Chairperson of the Hong Kong Professional Secretaries Association
    • Chairperson of the Geri-Paediatric Health Care Association
    • PhD Program Coordinator, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
    • Chartered Wealth Manager
    • PhD in Business Administration
    • Doctor of Business Administration, Universita Europaea Montreux, Switzerland
    • Master of Business Administration, University of Hull
    • International Member – Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
    • Fellow – Association of International Accountants
    • Associate Member – The Institute of Financial Accountant

    Dr. James Chan,
    Chairman & Founder

    • Head of Marketing, IPTG
    • MBA, the Chinese University of Hong Kong                                                    
    • Member, IPA Australia
    • Member, IFA UK
    • International Education Advisor

    Mr. Fred Ching,

    • Vice President, Tai Po President, Hong Kong Commercial Chamber
    • Chairman, SMART STEM PLUS
    • CEO, Smart International Group (Shenzhen)

    Dr. Ming Chen,

    • Consultant and patent specialist of an Intellectual Property firm in Hong Kong
      since 2003.  
    • Master of Laws Degree, University of London, England
    • Master of Science Degree, University of Leicester, England
    • Diploma in PRC Business Law, University of International Business and
      Economics, Beijing, PRC
    • Bachelor of Laws Degree, City University of Hong Kong
    • Bachelor of Arts Degree, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Mr. Alan Au,

    • Professor Emeritus of the Supply Chain and Information Management Department,
      Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.  
    • Vice – President (Academic and Research) , Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
      2009 - 2014.
    • Dean of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School, 2002 -2008.  
    • Present Independent Non – Executive Director of Embry Holdings Limited  
    • PhD, University of Missouri Columbia
    • MBA, University of Missouri Columbia
    • Master of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University
    • Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University

    Professor T.S. Lee,

    • Director of International Studies, SEAMIE
    • Chancellor, Kent International College
    • PhD Supervisor and Global MBA Lecture, London School of Commerce
    • PhD / DBA Supervisor and Lecturer on International Programmes, University of
      Gloucestershire (2008 - 2015)
    • Deputy Dean of Business School , University of Bolton (1986-2006)
    • Professorship and Doctorate for Publications and Contribution to Development of
      Accounting Education, RTV University
    • Fellow(FFA), Institute of Financial Accountants (UK)
    • Fellow(FIPA), Institute of Public Accountants (Australia)
    • Fellow (FCPA), Certified Public Accountants (UK)
    • Master in Business and Management, University of Salford
    • Postgraduate  Certificate in Education with Distinction, University of Manchester
    • Bachelor (Hons) of Social Science (Accounting), University of Hull

    Professor Bob Greenwood,

    • DBA
    • Master of Science (eCommerce for Executive)
    • Certified Commercial E-Business Specialist
    • Administration Oracle Certified Professional
    • IBM DB2 Universal Database Certified Administrator
    • IBM iSeries System Administration eServer Certified Specialist
    • HP Network Storage Sales
    • ICFP
    • LIMRA
    Dr. Matthew Leung
    Dr. Matthew Leung,

    • Certified Private Banker
    • Associate Financial Planner
    • Chinese Certified Financial Planner
    • Registered Financial Planner
    • SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planners Award 2013 & 2016 Second Round Winner
    • Master of Social Science in Social Work, CUHK

    Ms. Shirley Mak,
    Senior Consultant

    Management Team - Non - Executive Directors

    • DBA, European University
    • MBA
    • BA
    • The management of training department in sizable companies

    Mr. Edmund Tong

    • Programme Development Consultant & Incorporated Management Committee, Macau Millennium College
    • Publishing Director, Shimin Daily, Macau
    • Former Vice-Editorial Director, Hong Kong Daily News & East Week Magazine

    Mr. Norman Chan

    • MBA, Apollos Univiersity
    • BBA, Nottingham Trent University

    Mr. Ricky Lai

    Office Administration

    • Ms. Ivy Liu – General Manager
    • Ms. Heman Shek – Senior Administrative Manager
    • Ms. Vinci Chan – Administrative Manager

    Academic Development and Tutors (no particular order)

    • Dr. Yim Wan Por
    • Mr. Colan Yiu
    • Mr. Simon Yuen
    • Mr. Lawrence Tsui
    • Mr. Kot Man Kam
    • Dr. Stephen Chan
    • Mr. Jim Chan
    • 陳偉光 博士
    • 鄭禮祺 院士
    • 梁金勝 先生
    • 謝德華 先生
    • 袁力軍 先生
    • 陳武 先生
    • 范勁桃 女士

No programs / courses available yet

Stay tuned! More programs / courses will be shown here as they are added.