Milestones and Key Events


  • IPTG acquired the status of Approved Training Centre granted by OTHM in May 2021. OTHM is a UK – based awarding organization regulated by OFQUAL (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulations).

In cooperation: Universities & Institutions in Collaboration (Asia):

  • Lingnan Institute of Further Education
  • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of High Education
  • Gratia Christian College 

In cooperation: Universities & Institutions in Collaboration (US & Europe):

  • London Metropolitan University
  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • European University Business School
  • University of Sunderland
  • Swiss Education Group


  • IPTG acquired the status of Approved Training Centre granted by NCFE in April 2021.


  • International Certified Financial Planner Training Programme, accredited by Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA) in Dec 2018. FAA is an independent quality assurance and accreditation body supported by Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia) and the Securities Commission Malaysia. FAA provides the highest quality in standards, and to maintain a global outlook with learning programmes that translate across borders.


2013 - 2018

  • Launching courses leading to the qualification of CICFP Certified Financial Planners to financial practitioners through Hong Kong Fok Ying Tung Graduate School of University of Science and Technology (HKUST), The General Agents and Managers Association of Hong Kong (GAMAHK), and other professional organizations.

2017 - 2018

  • Continuing Professional Development Programmes were approved by HKCAAVQ.
  • Trust Planning Practice Workshop
  • Estate Planning Practice Workshop
  • Property Market Regulation Practice Workshop



  • In Apr 2016, the course “Certificate in Essential Financial Planning” was successfully approved as Level 3 programme by Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ), the only independent statutory body in Hong Kong that provides authoritative advice on academic standards of programmes.
  • Graduation ceremonies for Financial Planners at HKUST Campus



  • Accreditation by Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC)
  • Articulation of IGM diplomas to degree programmes offered by various Universities


  • In collaboration with European University to offer the following advanced degree programmes to insurance companies in Hong Kong:
  • Master of Business Administration

  • Doctor of Business Administration


  • Institute of Global Managers (IGM) was established in Sep 2004
IPTG Milestones and Key Events

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