Our Team

Management Team

  • Chairperson of the Chinese Institute of Registered Financial Analysts
  • President of Institute of Global Managers
  • Chairperson of the Hong Kong Professional Secretaries Association
  • Chairperson of the Geri-Paediatric Health Care Association
  • PhD Program Coordinator, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
  • Chartered Wealth Manager
  • PhD in Business Administration
  • Doctor of Business Administration, Universita Europaea Montreux, Switzerland
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Hull
  • International Member – Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Fellow – Association of International Accountants
  • Associate Member – The Institute of Financial Accountant

Dr. James Chan,
Chairman & Founder

  • Head of Marketing, IPTG
  • MBA, the Chinese University of Hong Kong                                                    
  • Member, IPA Australia
  • Member, IFA UK
  • International Education Advisor

Mr. Fred Ching,

  • Vice President, Tai Po President, Hong Kong Commercial Chamber
  • Chairman, SMART STEM PLUS
  • CEO, Smart International Group (Shenzhen)

Dr. Ming Chen,

  • Consultant and patent specialist of an Intellectual Property firm in Hong Kong
    since 2003.  
  • Master of Laws Degree, University of London, England
  • Master of Science Degree, University of Leicester, England
  • Diploma in PRC Business Law, University of International Business and
    Economics, Beijing, PRC
  • Bachelor of Laws Degree, City University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Alan Au,

  • Professor Emeritus of the Supply Chain and Information Management Department,
    Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.  
  • Vice – President (Academic and Research) , Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,
    2009 - 2014.
  • Dean of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School, 2002 -2008.  
  • Present Independent Non – Executive Director of Embry Holdings Limited  
  • PhD, University of Missouri Columbia
  • MBA, University of Missouri Columbia
  • Master of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University
  • Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University

Professor T.S. Lee,

  • Director of International Studies, SEAMIE
  • Chancellor, Kent International College
  • PhD Supervisor and Global MBA Lecture, London School of Commerce
  • PhD / DBA Supervisor and Lecturer on International Programmes, University of
    Gloucestershire (2008 - 2015)
  • Deputy Dean of Business School , University of Bolton (1986-2006)
  • Professorship and Doctorate for Publications and Contribution to Development of
    Accounting Education, RTV University
  • Fellow(FFA), Institute of Financial Accountants (UK)
  • Fellow(FIPA), Institute of Public Accountants (Australia)
  • Fellow (FCPA), Certified Public Accountants (UK)
  • Master in Business and Management, University of Salford
  • Postgraduate  Certificate in Education with Distinction, University of Manchester
  • Bachelor (Hons) of Social Science (Accounting), University of Hull

Professor Bob Greenwood,

  • DBA
  • Master of Science (eCommerce for Executive)
  • Certified Commercial E-Business Specialist
  • Administration Oracle Certified Professional
  • IBM DB2 Universal Database Certified Administrator
  • IBM iSeries System Administration eServer Certified Specialist
  • HP Network Storage Sales
  • ICFP
Dr. Matthew Leung
Dr. Matthew Leung,

  • Certified Private Banker
  • Associate Financial Planner
  • Chinese Certified Financial Planner
  • Registered Financial Planner
  • SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planners Award 2013 & 2016 Second Round Winner
  • Master of Social Science in Social Work, CUHK

Ms. Shirley Mak,
Senior Consultant

Management Team - Non - Executive Directors

  • DBA, European University
  • MBA
  • BA
  • The management of training department in sizable companies

Mr. Edmund Tong

  • Programme Development Consultant & Incorporated Management Committee, Macau Millennium College
  • Publishing Director, Shimin Daily, Macau
  • Former Vice-Editorial Director, Hong Kong Daily News & East Week Magazine

Mr. Norman Chan

  • MBA, Apollos Univiersity
  • BBA, Nottingham Trent University

Mr. Ricky Lai

Office Administration

  • Ms. Ivy Liu – General Manager
  • Ms. Heman Shek – Senior Administrative Manager
  • Ms. Vinci Chan – Administrative Manager

Academic Development and Tutors (no particular order)

  • Dr. Yim Wan Por
  • Mr. Colan Yiu
  • Mr. Simon Yuen
  • Mr. Lawrence Tsui
  • Mr. Kot Man Kam
  • Dr. Stephen Chan
  • Mr. Jim Chan
  • 陳偉光 博士
  • 鄭禮祺 院士
  • 梁金勝 先生
  • 謝德華 先生
  • 袁力軍 先生
  • 陳武 先生
  • 范勁桃 女士
IPTG Our Team

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